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Product: Radars

System Interface™, SI-2


System Interface™, SI-2

System Interface™, SI-2
(regular speed)

This is a computer board and a directional microwave transceiver packaged in a convenient enclosure. It is engineered to interface with your products and to process raw Doppler signals generated by the microwave transceiver. Effective speed range is 5 - 200 MPH (or equivalent).


The program diskette and the Flash memory design enables you to customize your own "speedometer" (not included in standard package).

Standard package inlcudes:

  • Computer / antenna unit in an enclosure
  • 77.6 MPH test fork
  • RS232 communication format
  • Operator’s manual
  • Certification
  • 24-inch power / serial communication cable with a DB9 connector (DB9 connector carries both power and data)
  • Cardboard packing box
  • One-year full warranty


Factory default settings:

  • Sensitivity set on 7 for maximum distance range
  • Units of measure set on MPH (miles per hour)
  • Speed range set on 5 - 200 MPH (miles per hour)
  • Data output rate set on continuous
  • Data output format set to standard ASCII characters (hundreds, tens, ones, carriage return)
  • Directionality set on approaching targets
  • Cosine (angular) error corrections set on 0° degree error
  • Target tracking set to track target’s speed continuously
  • Multiple target tracking set to select target with the strongest return signal


Our Speed Interface™ systems were designed as OEM / component products. We can customise our products to meet your specific needs. We have put together the listed sample packages so that you may evaluate the design before committing to production specifications.


Additional options


Communication port (for connecting radar gun to external devices such as an IBM format PC or a Series 200 speed sign:


  • No communications port (default)
  • Comm. port, port activation, 20-ft cable


Black & Decker VersaPak rechargeable batteries and chargers:


  • 2-port charger w/ 2 rechargeable batteries (default)
  • 2-port in-car charger w/ 2 rechargeable batt.


Molded holster:


  • No molded holster (default)
  • Molded holster


Pole mount bracket (for mounting radar gun on poles and fences):


  • No pole mount bracket (default)
  • Pole mount bracket


Tripod with mouning adapter:


  • No tripod (default)
  • Tripod with mounting adapter


Face Panel


The face panel includes a 3-digit speed display and three buttons: menu, select, and power. Using the "menu" and "select" buttons you can control display backlighting, cosine correction, serial communication output mode, and high / low speed range settings.


Angle Guide


There are times when you have to point the radar gun at an angle to read your target. This angle introduces what is known as a cosine error. You can eliminate (or greatly reduce) this error by setting the angle correction software for a particular angle and then aiming the radar gun at that angle.



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