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Product: Radars

EZ Stat


EZ Stat

EZ Stat - record traffic data and create reports

Speed data is recorded to the EZ Stat's internal memory. The traffic data can then be easily downloaded to a computer, where the included EZ Stat software makes traffic data analysis and reporting simple.

Examples of traffic data recorded by the EZ Stat Traffic Data Logger

  • Traffic survey reports
  • Max traffic speeds
  • Average speeds
  • Traffic time/speed intervals
  • Number of vehicles above traffic speed limit
  • Total number of vehicles

Using the EZ Stat Data Logger

The EZ Stat communicates with the radar via serial connections - all of the OnSite radar speed trailers offer this output.

Simply plug the EZ Stat into the data port on any of Decatur's speed signs or radar trailers and the EZ Stat will begin recording traffic data when the trailer is turned on.

After tracking for a period of time, shut down the trailer, remove the EZ Stat and hook it up to your computer to take advantage of the EZ Stat Software.

EZ Stat Traffic Data Logger software

The EZ Stat software creates user friendly, easily analyzed traffic data charts in Microsoft Windows© Excel (98, 2000, ME, NT, XP), using the data you've recorded.

The software simplifies traffic data analysis and offers an array of chart templates so you can generate charts of traffic data with only a few clicks.

EZ Start Screen Shots
